How it works.

The CellTolerance® Program

A fully-supported multi-disciplinary program to reduce your symptoms.

The first IBS program combining direct cell visualisation and multi-disciplinary support

The CellTolerance® Program offers a revolutionary approach to diagnosing and managing IBS-related food intolerances through live cell-response endoscopy.

This method provides a live visualization of foods causing damage to the mucosal barrier, leading to accurate diagnosis and tailored dietary interventions.

Intake consultation

Day 1

Your CellTolerance® journey starts with a personalized intake consultation with a registered dietitian. Your food patterns, reactions and suspected intolerances are mapped and your live-cell-response endoscopy is prepared.

CellTolerance® Test

+1 day

An endoscopist and gastroenterologist prepare and perform the live-cell response visualisation with the list of suspect allergen. They are applied to your intestines one by one in a 15-30 minutes procedure. Positive results are recorded by your endoscopist and transferred to your dietitian.

CellTolerance® Diet

+1 day

Your tolerance and intolerance diet is defined by your dietitian and inclusion/ exclusion foods are defined based on the CellTolerance® test.

CellTolerance® follow up I

+30 days

Based on your unique CellTolerance® diet & other triggers, a followup with your dietitian and/ or psychologist is set up.

CellTolerance® follow up II

+60 days

Your dietician checks in with you and follows up your personal results. Any lingering intolerance reactions are discussed and context into why these occur is provided by your dietician.

Optional: Relief check-in.

+90 days

One last check-in is done by your dietitian and psychologist. Based on your symptom relief, a plan is proposed or you’re free to go.

IBS-related food intolerance. Directly observable, where it happens.

Discover the science behind CellTolerance®. CellTolerance® is designed around the first and only endomicroscopic diagnostic that gives cell-level insights of the intestinal barrier function, right where the food is absorbed into your body.


Our Cellvizio® procedure allows us to accurately identify your specific food intolerances.


Through our 3-month food intolerance program, we help you effectively manage your food intolerances.

Discover the science
Healthy mucosal barrier

An intact barrier shows tight junctions between the cells stopping antigens from passing through the intestinal barrier into the circulation.

Impaired mucosal barrier

An impaired barrier allows for entry of antigens, pathogens, and other inflammatory substances into the bloodstream,

Discover Our CellTolerance® Program

Transform Your Health with Our 3-Month Food Intolerance Program